Samya Ayish

Friday, 12:00
News Lab Teaching Fellow at Google

Working for more than 12 years in the field of news gathering and media production, I can say that it all comes to storytelling. Throughout those years, it is important to tell a story that is unique, to know your market and the target audience, and be able to spread it out through the different social media tools available. My experience helps me achieve all these requirements. With a focus on writing about cinema, and Arab cinema in specific, I came to understand the important role we play as journalists and content creators in increasing awareness among the public on, and for that reason I created a podcast that talks about the new projects by Arab filmmakers and the challenges they face. I believe in the importance of passing my knowledge to a new generation, and thats why I also carry out a number of workshops and sessions specializing in social media and digital marketing. On the side, I enjoy writing children's books, as well as carrying out reading sessions for them.